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Gluten Free Blueberry Crisp Recipe

I love blueberry crisp, but I have to eat Gluten Free. Because of my restricted diet, I really appreciate the added nutrients that come from Sunset Valley Organics Blueberries. This works just as well with Frozen Berries as fresh, so it can be made any time of the year. Try this one out, and tell me what you think.

Gluten Free Blueberry Crisp
2 Pints (3-4 cups) Fresh or Frozen Blueberries - washed
1 cup gluten free all purpose flour (I used Pamela's wheat free bread mix)
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup Shortening (Butter or Margarine depending on your sensitivity to dairy)
1/3 cup gluten free oats

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Grease the bottom of an 8 x 8 baking dish.

Mix the blueberries with 2 Tbs of the flour mixture and place in the dish.

Combine brown sugar, cinnamon, oats and shortening. Use a fork to mix the shortening through the mixture. Hint: the shortening works best if cold / solid.

Pour mixture over the top of the blueberries and bake in oven for 30 minutes or until it bubbles and the crust is browned.

I need to thank my friends at the GF/CF forum for this one. -- Its awesome!

Why it's Important to the Wilt family to eat healthy

My family has always eaten healthy on some level, but in recent years it has become more of an issue. My dad changed his diet because of his diabetes, and didn't want to take all of the pills the doctors gave him, he made up his mind that there had to be a better way. So over about the last five years, he has started exercising daily and eats healthy, and he has gone from 240 to 190 and has a safe handle on his diabetes.

I eat healthy because I am an athlete and to me being in shape doesn't just mean physical, its also taking care of the inside of my body. And to be honest fast food and junk food isn't all the good tasting to eat every day, sure once in a while it's nice, but I would rather snack on grapes than potato chips.

My mom eats healthy because is more convenient and fits her lifestyle. She is extremely busy and by eating the right food she has more energy and can concentrate better and longer. She also eats healthy because of the heart problems that her grandparents had that she doesn't want.

Good soil improves blueberries

Good soil improves blueberries

CORVALLIS — A healthier, tastier product is Bob Wilt’s ultimate goal.

To get there, the Corvallis blueberry farmer touts terms like biologically rich and nutrient dense and is happy to tell you how it has helped. Keeping the process organic means making some sacrifices and getting some good advice. Wilt says he has done both.

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