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Blueberry Smoothies for hot weather

When its this hot, I premake my smoothies by blending blueberries, banana and peaches with a little juice. I prefer apple, my daughter orange. We keep the blend mix in the fridge (for 2-3 days max), and when we want a little cool pick me up, we just add ice to the mix and blend it up...and its a perfect ....Breakfast, Lunch or Snack...and sooooo easy... almost as easy as pulling a popsicle out the freezer, and oh so much better for you.

Stay Cool

Blueberries for Health- Website

Blueberries for Health I just found this great compilation of all of the research on the health effects of Blueberries, compiled by the blueberry council. I'll be excerpting more of their findings. Among the studies: Blueberries and Antioxidant Activity Blueberries and Aging Blueberries and Health So if you're into reading the literature, and getting into the messy details, enjoy. Me, I'm just going to relax right now with a fresh blueberry smoothie.